What is Aleph.im’s node scoring system?
Q: What is the purpose of Aleph.im’s node scoring system?
Aleph.im's node scoring system is designed to ensure that nodes maintain high levels of performance and reliability. This is crucial for a decentralized cloud service where uptime and efficiency are paramount.
Q: What criteria are used to score the nodes?
The scoring is based on the last two weeks of observation data from nodes. The lowest 5% of metrics are excluded to eliminate noise from factors like server maintenance.
What problems does the current system have?
Q: What issues exist with the current scoring system?
The current system has a couple of significant drawbacks:
1. Operators cannot ascertain if their actions will positively influence their scores promptly, as there’s a two-week delay.
2. The observation period is arbitrary, making it hard for users to differentiate reliable nodes from those newly becoming reliable.
How is the new scoring system different?
Q: What improvements were made to the scoring system?
Recently, Aleph.im has enhanced metric reliability by decreasing concurrent measurements and increasing measurement locations globally, resulting in lower noise.
Q: How is the new scoring system designed?
The new system is based on a geometric distribution and utilizes SQL queries for calculation. This method focuses on recent metrics while incorporating older ones, yielding a more responsive and accurate scoring system.
Q: What is the mathematical calculation behind the new score?
The new score is computed using a formula that includes multiplying partial scores based on time passed. It adjusts for version validity and is calibrated to ensure most nodes achieve scores between 80% and 100%.
How does the new scoring system benefit nodes?
Q: What is the impact of the new scoring system on nodes?
Nodes that recover from downtime will see their scores rise quickly because the scoring never drops to zero. Thus, continuously reliable nodes get rewarded with higher scores.
Q: What is the importance of this quick score recovery?
Quick recovery allows operators to immediately see the results of their corrective measures, fostering timely improvements.
How can node operators and users benefit from the update?
Q: How is the new scoring system beneficial to node operators?
Node operators are rewarded based on their performance scores, motivating them to keep their nodes reliable and efficient.
Q: What does this mean for users?
Users benefit from more reliable compute and storage resources, resulting in improved performance for decentralized applications running on Aleph.im.
Q: How can the community get involved?
The updated scores are available for feedback in the Aleph.im channel. The community is encouraged to provide input over the next ten days before the system is deployed network-wide.