Maximize Your Airdrop Rewards in X Empire: Here's How

Maximize Your Airdrop Rewards in X Empire: Here's How

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Unlock X Empire airdrop rewards by connecting your TON wallet, maximizing profit-per-hour, and inviting friends. Stay active to avoid coin burns.

As the mining phase of X Empire approaches its end on September 30, 2024, many players are looking to maximize their airdrop rewards. The game has taken off big time and I have to admit it’s pretty addictive. But as with all things crypto, it pays to be smart about how you go about things. In this article, I'll break down the key criteria for getting the most out of your airdrop.

Key Criteria for Getting Airdrop Rewards

Connect Your TON Wallet

First and foremost, you need to connect a TON wallet to your account. This is crucial because without a connected wallet, there’s no place for your tokens to go. And if there's no tokens going into your wallet then you’re basically saying "I don’t want free money" and that’s just crazy talk.

Profit-Per-Hour Metric

The second key factor is your profit-per-hour metric within the game. As you play and upgrade your avatar and businesses, this number should ideally be increasing. The more engaged you are in the game, the higher this metric will be—and consequently the larger your share of airdropped tokens will be.

Invite Friends (But Make Them Quality)

Inviting friends has been an important part of gameplay since day one. But now it seems like not just any friends will do; according to the announcement quality of invites matters too. So make sure those you're inviting are actually playing and contributing.

Other Factors?

Interestingly enough, there are some undisclosed criteria mentioned by the team that are meant to combat bot activity. They’re keeping these secret so as not to give potential abusers any ideas. But don’t worry if you're a genuine player—these factors seem designed specifically to ensure fairness while preventing abuse.

Coin Burning for Inactive Players

X Empire is also implementing a coin-burning mechanism for inactive players ahead of the airdrop distribution. If you haven't logged in for over 30 days, your coins will gradually get burned—so they’re incentivizing active participation!

Summary: Know When To Play And When To Chill

The mining phase ends on September 30th and after that is when distribution happens; so make sure all connections are set up by then! Blockchain technology is revolutionizing industries from gaming (like X empire) all the way through banking & finance . It’s efficient, secure & transparent — everything traditional systems wish they could be.

If you’re new to cryptocurrency, you might want to check out our guide on how to buy cryptocurrency, which can help you get started.

Additionally, X Empire relies heavily on smart contracts, an essential component of blockchain technology that ensures automated and transparent transactions. Learn more in our What are Smart Contracts article.

Lastly, getting your crypto into games like X Empire is much easier now, thanks to crypto onramps. Read our guide on Crypto Onramp to understand how you can seamlessly convert fiat to crypto and participate in decentralized platforms.

So there you have it folks! Now get back into X Empire and start grinding those numbers up!

Last updated
September 14, 2024

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